Food ingredients India is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Why exhibit

Grow your business in India

Why exhibit

Endless growth opportunities at Fi India

Co-located with ProPak India, the events together provide an annual one stop sourcing platform for food, beverage & health ingredients, processing and packaging solutions.

Showcase your products
The perfect platform to launch, promote & demonstrate a new product or solution
Generate high quality leads
Rraise your profile in front of an international audience and generate leads.
Network with leading global tastemakers
Form valuable new business partnerships and strengthen existing ones
The numbers
Source, learn and connect
  • 11,000
    total attendance
  • 200+
    exhibiting companies
  • 48
    visiting countries
  • 69%
    visitors with purchasing power
Trend Report
Discover the latest trends, opportunities and challenges of the vibrant Indian market,
Fi India Infographic
Discover everything you need to know about exhibiting at Fi India in one place
green rectangle
How exhibiting works at Fi India

The numbers

Exhibitor satisfaction

80% of exhibitors were highly satisfied with their experience
87% of exhibitors want to reserve their booth for Fi India 2024
+48 Net Promoter Score
Uniting buyers and suppliers from across the industry
hallway at Fi India
Accelerate business growth
Smarter digital campaigns
Reach your buyers, maximise your brand awareness, generate excellent-quality leads, establish thought leadership in the industry, and achieve greater returns on your investment and time with our smarter digital campaigns.

“Fi India has been an outstanding show for us. We have experienced a significant increase in footfall at our stall, which has led to numerous opportunities. We were pleased to observe a diverse international audience in attendance. "

Murtuza Badami, Director, Murtuza Foods Pvt. Ltd.

Fi India Awards
Celebrating the extraordinary advancements and cutting-edge solutions that have emerged from this vibrant industry.
Our Community
Moments from last year
Visitors walking through Fi India hallway
Crowd in hallway at Fi India
Cookies in a jar
Food truck at FI India
exhibitors meeting visitors at Fi India
Networking area at Fi India
Lead the conversations of tomorrow
Answers to some of the most common queries
How do I enquire to exhibit?

You can enquire about a booth here.

How do I get to the venue?

Please find your way to the venue here.

How do I reserve a hotel for the exhibition?

Please visit the travel information section of our website to see the various hotel options close to the venue.

Are there catering facilities at the venue?

Yes, there are catering facilities available at the venue.

What are the rules and regulations of the event?

  • Individuals below 18 years of age are not allowed inside the exhibition hall.
  • Students from relevant industries with valid institute ID will be allowed entry on the last day, starting at 2:00 pm.
  • The organisers reserve the right to allow admission.
  • The organisers reserve the right to check all attendees at all entrances for security reasons.
  • Entrances badges must be worn at all times during your stay inside the exhibition hall.
  • The badge is not valid for entry if it is torn or disfigured.
  • Cameras, bottles, cans or tins are not allowed inside the exhibition hall.
  • Food and beverages are not permitted to be taken inside the exhibition hall.
  • Photography & Videography without prior written permission from the organisers is strictly prohibited.
  • The organisers are not liable for any loss or theft of valuables and personal belongings.
  • The consumption of banned substances is strictly prohibited inside the exhibition hall.

I have been approached by a company I don't recognise - what should I do?

Some Fi exhibitors have been fraudulently targeted by a company called Expo Guide.


Expo Guide / / Construct Data Verlag / International Fairs Directory / Fairs & Business target companies through legitimate exhibition guides. Their current activities cover companies throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia.

Expo Guide claims to offer online listing services. They use a form which resembles an organiser's free catalogue listing service, inviting exhibitors to complete the form for an entry in an on-line directory. Unsuspecting exhibitors who sign and return the form are then contracted into a three-year, non-retractable agreement, which could cost you a significant amount of money, with no foreseeable benefits.

Included in their group is debt collection agency Gravis Inkasso Gmbh and Swiss debt collection agency Premium Recovery AG (a Construct Data subsidiary) which works in partnership with the various guides to intimidate exhibitors into paying.

These publications have no connection with us, or any of our events.

We strongly advise our exhibitors, and the entire exhibition community, to be most vigilant against this and similar organisations.

There are many so-called guides that mail deceptive contracts and then harass those who sign them in error for money. However the sheer scale and systematic way in which these guides attack exhibitors is outrageous.

Please contact us directly on +31 20 245 5355 if you have any questions.