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Exhibiting food and beverage companies at this year's Fi Africa & ProPak MENA


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For over six decades, Forbes Marshall has been providing innovative solutions and products, to help industries improve their process efficiency, be more environmentally responsible and improve their production quality.

We specialise in products and services for steam efficiency, process optimisation, control and monitoring. Our digital offerings go beyond connectivity and help measure, analyse and sustain key performance indicators for our customers’ businesses. This helps optimise output and yield quality while keeping

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Nama main scope is the industrial community, we are trying to cover their needs both horizontally and vertically, what we are offering for the industries that we service is almost all their needs, raw materials, equipment, engineering, training and spare parts.

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SIPA. The PET Specialist.

With 40 years of experience in PET containers solutions, SIPA has acquired considerable expertise in all available bottle manufacturing and filling technologies, from preforms to finished products, for the food and beverage, chemical products, cosmetics, detergents and pharmaceutical sectors.

SIPA is a technological partner whose main goal is to transfer its skills and expertise to its customers, offering innovative and competitive solutions to meet specific customer needs. Our extensive product range includes equipment for production

Zhejiang Meibao Industrial Technology Co., Ltd is a technology professional company specializing in factory planing, process design, equipment manufacturing, installation, commissioning service and training for the complete sets of daily chemical production line, energy equipment and so on. There are almost 200 professionals in R&D, design, manufacturing, installation and after-sales in our company. We have the modern manufacturing factory. 


We can provide planning, design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and training of complete production line, detergent

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